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Perspective by Payton Tuorto
I have a area of woods in my neighborhood so I thought there would be some great photo opps in there. On the path into the woods there was a tree that had fallen across, and I noticed there was some fungus and mushrooms growing so I snapped some pictures.
Admiration of Nature by Mimi Perez
I took this photo in the mountains of the Pennsylvania Amish countryside. Using my prism, I created a rainbow effect in the corner, making the illusion that it came from the sun and sky. I hoped to portray my friend appreciating nature’s surroundings, with her placed in the woods, with flowers incorporated too and the rainbow shining on her.
Architectural Unity by Kyla Machinga
I took this photo in Frankfurt, Germany along with many other photos of architecture. In this specific photo, I thought the contrast in the color of the building against the sky was very interesting, especially because orange and blue are complimentary.
Apollo with the Cherubs by Tatiana Correa
I saw this at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. As someone who is a big fan of drawing and viewing old art this painting was really breathtaking to me. It was painted on the ceiling of a Victorian styled room. It was truly a sight to behold.
Fall Trees by Neha Taneja
My photo was taken in my neighborhood. I love how trees look in the fall because the color of the leaves are always pretty. The trees in my neighborhood represented that, so I wanted to take a photo of it.
Winter Trees by Adriana Xec-Gonzalez
I took this picture at the Hopewell Borough Park. I took some pictures of the trees while I was walking though the trail.

Website Created by Dr. Eric Guise, Jeff Losch, & Nicholas Johnson