Through Teenage Eyes

The Through Teenage Eyes podcast is a collection of episodes created by teenagers from Mrs. Lisa Sandstrand's English class.  Each episode explores a current or on-going "hot-topic" and provides an unique teenage prospective as they try to make sense of the world!

Through Teenage Eyes 5

Teenage Mental Health in the Social Media Age

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 09/16/2022

Episode Title: Teenage Mental Health in the Social Media Age By: Charlie Brooks and Caroline FlanneryWelcome to the Camp Rock…

Moving MIndfulness

Mindfulness of Moving

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 09/16/2022

In today’s episode we will talk about the effects that moving will have on teenagers’ mental health.

Digital Dungeon

Digital Dungeon

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 09/16/2022

In this episode of Camp Rock the Podcast we discuss: the negative effects social media has had on people in regards to their mental health, dangers, and how it has been impacted by Covid.

Recent Podcast Episodes

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Website Created by Dr. Eric Guise, Jeff Losch, & Nicholas Johnson