Proper Dyktation

The Proper Dyktation Podcast is a student-ran podcast where students explore the literature from English 4 by discussing characters, themes, and connections.

Generational Trauma-orama

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 06/12/2023

IN this episode called Generational Trauma-orama we discuss the generational trauma inflicted by literary characters.

Drama Queens

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 06/12/2023

In this episode of Drama queens we disscuss how women are portrayed in the industry.

Are They The Problem?

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 06/12/2023

In this episode called are they the problem, we discuss the portrayal of female characters in the books, Fences, A Streetcar Named Desire, and The Kite Runner.

Women in Drama

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 06/12/2023

In this episode called, Women in Drama, we discuss the role of women in drama and how they are depicted.

Attack of The Bots

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 06/12/2023

In this episode of Attack of The Bots, we discuss benefits, fears, and controversies surrounding artificial intelligence .

Women Portrayed in Drama

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 06/12/2023

Mae: Welcome back to Mae and Sadie’s Podcast. This Episode is called Women in Drama. In this episode,we’ll talk…

Into The McCwild

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 06/12/2023

In this episode called “Into The McCwild”, we discuss Chris Mccandless and his adventures throughout the wild.

Mental Health in A Streetcar Named Desire

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 06/09/2023

Today we’ll be talking about the topic of mental health, which is heavily pushed in the story A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. We’ll talk about the main character Blanch DuBois who suffers from PTSD and struggles with her mental health, society’s perception of mental health during the late 1940s when the story takes place, and how society today sees and treats mental health.

Baba’s Big Adventure

By Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network | 06/09/2023

In this episode called Baba’s Big Adventure, we discuss the three dominant male figures in the literature explored this semester.

Recent Podcast Episodes

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Website Created by Dr. Eric Guise, Jeff Losch, & Nicholas Johnson