Getting Another POV


Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network 

Show Name: Hyperfixation Nation

Episode Title: Getting Another POV

Episode #4

You are listening to Hyperfixation Nation, the podcast with your host Blake.

In this episode of Hyperfixation Nation the Podcast, I will be interviewing one of my friends about her experiences with her hyperfixations, what they are, and how they impacted her life. 

Segment 1: Introduction to my interviewee 

Hello, y’all! Today is interview day! I will be asking a few questions about some of my friends’ hyperfixations. She is a freshman in high school, like me, and I have known her since 4th grade. She likes dogs and cats but prefers cats and her favorite color is purple. Welcome Lola!

Segment 2: The interview!

  • Icebreaker would-you-rather
  • Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 100 years into the past? Why?
  • What are some of your more recent hyperfixations?
  • Share some cool information.
  • What were your experiences with them?
  • Did you experience time blindness? Falling behind on schoolwork? Spend a lot of money? Other stuff?
  • Did you meet new people and make new connections because of these hyperfixations?

Segment 3: Segment 5: Outro

Now to sum it all up! Thank you so much for sharing Lola! I am so glad to have another point of view on my podcast. Next episode I will be talking all about the musical Hamilton! Stick around to hear all about the musical that broke all Broadway standards! I hope you enjoyed the episode, learned something new, and had fun! This is Hyperfixation Nation, hosted by Blake, goodbye y’all!

Music Credits: Balynt, Places

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About the author, Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network

The Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network was created to empower students to become content creators in a digital-rich world. The views and opinions expressed within the digital content are the views of the content creators.