Compare and Contrast

Japan's Masterpiece 2

Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network 

Show Name:  Japan’s Masterpiece

Episode #1:  Compare and contrast

In this episode of Japan’s Masterpiece, we discuss our top picks for strength, speed and fighting style in anime.

Segment 1: explaining anime in a few words

In this segment we take a random anime and try to explain the entire thing in as few words as possible. But we also try to make this segment a little funny. Also we don’t tell you what anime it is for a fun twist.

Segment 2:  Deeper dive

In this segment we take the anime that we used for segment 1 and do a deeper dive to find fun or interesting facts about the people involved with the production or writing of the masterpiece of the day.

Segment 3:  Discussion

In today’s episode, the 3rd segment was a discussion of the strongest, fastest, hardest to fight and coolest fighters. For today’s discussion we chose Naruto, Hunter x Hunter and Demon Slayer for our picks.

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In this episode of Japan’s Masterpiece, we discuss our top picks for strength, speed and fighting style in anime.

About the author, Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network

The Hopewell Valley Student Publications Network was created to empower students to become content creators in a digital-rich world. The views and opinions expressed within the digital content are the views of the content creators.